Central Banks
Below are some of the most influential central banks in the world listed.
Banco Central de la República Argentina
The Central Bank of Argentina
Homepage: www.bcra.gov.ar
Bank of Canada
The National bank of Canada
Homepage: www.bankofcanada.ca
Bank of England
The National bank of United Kingdom
Homepage: www.bankofengland.co.uk
>>Read more about Bank of England here
Bank of Japan (BOJ)
The National bank of Japan
Homepage: www.boj.or.jp
Bank of Russia
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Homepage: www.cbr.ru
Bulgarian National Bank
The state bank for the Republic of Bulgaria
Homepage: www.bnb.bg
Central Bank of Egypt
The National bank of Egypt
Homepage: www.cbe.org.eg
Central Bank of The United Arab Emirates
The National bank of UAE
Homepage: www.centralbank.ae
Croatian Hrvatska narodna banka
The National bank of Croatia
Homepage: www.hnb.hr
Czech National Bank
The National bank of the Czech Republic
Homepage: www.cnb.cz
European Central Bank
The Central bank of the European Union (EU)
Homepage: www.ecb.int
>>Read more about the ECB here
Federal Reserve (FED)
The central bank of the United States
Homepage: www.federalreserve.gov
>>Read more about the Federal Reserve here
Hong Kong Monetary Authority
The monetary authority in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong
Homepage: www.hkma.gov.hk
Danmarks Nationalbank
The National bank of Denmark
Homepage: www.nationalbanken.dk
Norges Bank
The National bank of Norway
Homepage: www.norges-bank.no
Isle of Man Bank
The National bank of the Isle of Man
Homepage: www.iombank.com
Reserve Bank of Australia
The National bank of Australia
Homepage: www.rba.gov.au
Riksbanken (Swedish Central Bank)
The National bank of Sweden
Homepage: www.riksbank.se
>>Read more about Riksbanken here
Swiss National Bank
The National bank of Switzerland
Homepage: www.snb.ch